Phone Cases NZ

  • NZ Cycle Trail - Auckland Ambury Regional Park ( Manukau Coastal Cycleway )

    It's a beautiful Monday in late May 2013. The sun is out, the temperature is around 17 degrees and the forecast looks good for most of the day.  After spending a good while yesterday trawling google looking for a good NZ Cycle Trail in Auckland (one that we haven't visited before), we found out that there was a cycle trail in Manukau, Auckland. Its apparently coastal, so in theory it should offer more views than your average bike park. Also there are apparently upto 25km's worth of bike trails here. So we took an iPhone with our iPhone 4 bike...

  • Black Caps V England Cricket

    We love our sport, especially the cricket.  After a fabulous Black Caps V England series earlier in the year the return leg is on. Fingers crossed the black caps make a good show of it up in Blighty. The scenes witnessed right across New Zealand really captured what the country and game is all about. Dunedin, Wellington, Hawkes Bay, Whangarei, Hamilton and Auckland all witnessed some great cricket. Lets hope the Black Caps turn up and aren't stumped as perhaps Matt Prior should have been! One B. McCullum, might not be the sharpest knife in the drawer, but he's a...

  • We've been Busy! Samsung S4, HTC One. It keeps getting better.

    So its been a while, but boy have we been BUSY! We have a mountain of blog content to get on here, just in time for the Black Caps to kick off against England in the return series. But of course, we're back to help all of you with the biggest SmartPhone purchase question in a while. No longer is the debate around the iPhone 4 or iPhone 5. The 2 big competitors on the block today are the HTC One and the Samsung S4. They are here and they are truly mighty phones. We had our first look at...

  • Waterproof Phone Case - Action Photos of the Sea and Beach

    Having written a review of our yellow waterproof case for phones, I wanted to share a couple of additional photos I have been able to take using them. So yes  - I've been busy with our waterproof cases and using my phone I have taken a few images! The waves, scenery and water look incredible in some of these. Hope you like. If you'd like to see some videos, and yes I'll be uploading some more very soon. Visit our youtube page.

  • Waterproof Phone Case Review

    Today I am going to review one of the waterproof phone case products that we sell on our website at Phone Cases NZ.  Our objective is to Take your Phone Anywhere! -  Taking it to the beach and in the water is probably a great example. Now I realise some of you may think this is a crazy idea, why would I want to take my phone in the water? Well, there are great reasons  as to why you would do this, including this short video.  If you are into activities such as kayaking, canoeing, sailing or surfing, wouldn't it...

  • Who are Phone Cases NZ and what's this Phone Case Challenge all about?

    Congratulations New Zealand, you've made it to Phone Cases NZ. Yes – this is our introductory post, but fear not! We will start blogging about the latest trends in technology, smart phones, phone cases and phone accessories. Our challenge is to combine this with our passion for travel, outdoor activities, sport and New Zealand. Tell us why you shouldn't be able to take your phone anywhere and capture all of the great experiences you're having?   With a prediction of one billion smart phone shipments in 2013 - many more of us will be taking the smart phone plunge. For...