Phone Cases NZ

  • Who are Phone Cases NZ and what's this Phone Case Challenge all about?

    Congratulations New Zealand, you've made it to Phone Cases NZ.

    New Zealand Directions Phone Cases NZ

    Yes – this is our introductory post, but fear not! We will start blogging about the latest trends in technology, smart phones, phone cases and phone accessories. Our challenge is to combine this with our passion for travel, outdoor activities, sport and New Zealand. Tell us why you shouldn't be able to take your phone anywhere and capture all of the great experiences you're having?


    Sky Dive Phone Cases NZ

    With a prediction of one billion smart phone shipments in 2013 - many more of us will be taking the smart phone plunge. For those not in the know!... a smart phone enables you to combine the latest in technology to help you get more out of your everyday routine and activities. They benefit your work life, home life, hobbies, sports and travel. In fact, we can't think of many places that they wouldn't benefit you.

    If you're still looking for further persuasion... here are some great examples where a smart phone really can benefit you. Photography, video recording, GPS, listening to music, keeping up to date with what's going on locally and elsewhere in the world. There are phone apps for just about everything and guess what, its all on your phone and they're easy to install if you're using an iPhone, Android or Windows Phone. We'll start demonstrating some of these uses very soon.

    Phones can be delicate gadgets and are easily lost, damaged or broken without suitable protection and use. There is where we come in.... You got it! We sell different types of phone case to protect your phone and allow you to take your phone anywhere! We aim to bring you the latest in practical phone cases and accessories ensuring your phone is always safe and secure! We're starting off small but our collection will continue to grow.

    We are a small business here in New Zealand. Its been challenging getting to this point, but we've taken that big step and yes you guessed again.. we'll be blogging about some of the apps and technologies we use to help make our business work.

    To keep you all interested, we also aim to set you some challenges! So look out for new challenges in our future posts on Phone Cases NZ.

    You can also follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest for the latest news and products. We hope you enjoy reading our blogs and we very much look forward to hearing from you too!

    Happy Blogging.
    The team at Phone Cases NZ.

    Phone Cases NZ

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